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Fossil specimen : BMB BMB 020500 – Holotype

Taxonomic Group

Kingdom Animalia

  Phylum Arthropoda

    Class Insecta

      Order -

Fossil Name Undatoma stigmatica Rasnitsyn & Jarzembowski 1998
Type Status Holotype
Name History

Undatoma stigmatica  Rasnitsyn & Jarzembowski 1998

Registration No. BMB 020500
Collector Name not available
Donor or Associated Person Name not available
Held By Booth Museum of Natural History
Comments Counterpart
Country England
Locality Durlston Bay, Swanage, Dorset
Grid Reference Not available
Rock Unit Clements' Bed DB175, CorbulaBeds, Stair Hole Member, DurlstonFormation,
Biozone Not available
Geological Age

Early Cretaceous Epoch (Cretaceous Period) (100.5 – 145 Ma B.P.)


Rasnitsyn, A.P., Jarzembowski, E.A., & Ross, A. J. 1998. Wasps (Insecta: Vespida = Hymenoptera) from the Purbeck and Wealden (Lower Cretaceous) of southern England and their biostratigraphical and palaeoenvironmental significance. Cretaceous Research (1998) 19 329-391

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