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Fossil specimen : OUM J.13696 – Syntype

Taxonomic Group

Kingdom Animalia

  Phylum Chordata

    Class Reptilia

      Order Dinosauria

Fossil Name Cetiosaurus
Type Status Syntype
Name History

Cetiosaurus – See Liston (2004)

'Cetiosaurus' 'medius' Owen, 1842 – See Upchurch & Martin (2003): Syntype

Cetiosaurus – See Delair & Sarjeant (1975)

Ceteosaurus – See Phillips (1871)

Cetiosaurus medius Owen, 1842 – See Owen (1842)

Cetiosaurus – See Owen (1841)

– See Kingdon (1825)

Registration No. J.13696
Collector Name not available 1825
Donor or Associated Person Kingdon, J.
Held By Oxford University Museum of Natural History Logo Oxford University Museum of Natural History
Comments Caudal vertebra
Country England
Locality Chapel House, about 1 mile NE of Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire
Grid Reference Available from host institution
Rock Unit Great Oolite Group
Biozone Not available
Geological Age

Bathonian Age (Jurassic Period) (166.1 – 168.3 Ma B.P.)


DELAIR, J.B. and SARJEANT, A.S. 1975. The earliest discoveries of dinosaurs. Isis, 66 (231), 5-25. pp. 22 - 23, 24

KINGDON, J. 1825. Proceedings of Philosophical Societies - The Geological Society. Annals of Philosophy, New Series, 10. p. 229

LISTON, J.J. 2004. A re-examination of a Middle Jurassic sauropod limb bone from the Bathonian of the Isle of Skye. Scot. J. Geol., 40 (2), 119-122. p. 121

OWEN, R. 1841. A description of a portion of the skeleton of the Cetiosaurus, a gigantic extinct Saurian Reptile occurring in the Oolitic formations of different portions of England. Proc. geol. Soc. Lond., III (II), no. 80, 457-462. pp. 459 - 460

OWEN, R. 1842. Report on British Fossil Reptiles, part II. Rep. of Brit. Ass. Advmt. Sci. (for 1841), 60-204. pp. 100 - 101

PHILLIPS, J. 1871. Geology of Oxford and the Valley of the Thames. Clarendon Press, Oxford, xxiv + 523 pp., diagrs I-CCVII. pp. 261 - 262, 263 (no. 1 on list), 264

UPCHURCH, P. and MARTIN, J. 2003. The anatomy and taxonomy of Cetiosaurus (Saurischia, Sauropoda) from the Middle Jurassic of England. Jl. Vert. Paleont., 23 (1), 208-231. pp. 210 - 211

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