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Fossil specimen : OUM A.01251 – Paralectotype

Taxonomic Group

Kingdom Animalia

  Phylum Arthropoda

    Class -

      Order Bradoriida

Fossil Name Cyclotron lapworthi (Groom, 1902)
Type Status Paralectotype
Name History

Cyclotron lapworthi (Groom, 1902) – See Williams & Siveter (1998): Paralectotype

Cyclotron lapworthi (Groom, 1902) – See Williams et al. (1994): Paralectotype

Polyphyma lapworthi Groom, 1902 – See Groom (1902): Syntype

Polyphyma lapworthi Groom, 1902 – See Groom (1902): Syntype

Registration No. A.01251
Collector Groom, T.T. 1897
Donor or Associated Person Groom, T.T.
Held By Oxford University Museum of Natural History Logo Oxford University Museum of Natural History
Comments In same wooden slide as A.1250
Country England
Locality North end of Chase End Hill, Malverns, Gloucestershire
Grid Reference Available from host institution
Rock Unit White-leaved Oak Shale Formation
Biozone Olenus
Geological Age

Merioneth Series (Cambrian Period) (485.4 – 499 Ma B.P.)

[Closest ICS interval: Furongian Epoch – Cambrian Series 3 ]


GROOM, T.T. 1902. On Polyphyma, a new genus belonging to the Leperditiadae from the Cambrian Shales of Malvern. Q. Jl. geol. Soc. Lond., LVIII, 83-88. p. 83

GROOM, T.T. 1902. The sequence of the Cambrian and associated beds of the Malvern Hills. Q. Jl. geol. Soc. Lond., LVIII, 89-149. p. 100, table VI on p. 109

WILLIAMS, M. and SIVETER, David J. 1998. British Cambrian and Tremadoc bradoriid and phosphatocopid arthropods. Palaeontogr. Soc. (Monogr.), 152, 1-49, pls 1-6. pp. 32 - 33

WILLIAMS, M., SIVETER, David J., RUSHTON, A.W.A. and BERG-MADSEN, V. 1994. The Upper Cambrian bradoriid ostracod Cyclotron lapworthi is a hesslandonid. Trans. R. Soc. Edin., Earth Sciences, 85, 123-130. pp. 123, 124, 126, 128; fig. 6 (m)

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