GB3D Type Fossils

Fossil specimen : BGS GSM35373 – Lectotype

Taxonomic Group

Kingdom Animalia

  Phylum Arthropoda

    Class Trilobita

      Order Phacopida

Fossil Name Xylabion gelasinosum (Portlock)
Type Status Lectotype
Name History

Xylabion gelasinosum (Portlock)

Cheirurus gelasinosus Portlock

Cheirurus (Amphion) gelasinosus Portlock

Registration No. GSM35373
Collector Name not available
Donor or Associated Person Portlock Coll
Held By British Geological Survey Logo British Geological Survey
Country Northern Ireland
Locality Tyrone
Grid Reference Not available
Rock Unit Caradoc Rocks (Undifferentiated)
Biozone Not available
Geological Age

Caradoc Series (Ordovician Period) (449 – 458.4 Ma B.P.)

[Closest ICS interval: Late Ordovician Epoch ]


Lane 1971 Pal Soc Mon p.41 pl 2 fig 4 a & b

Portlock 1843 Geol of Londonderry and parts of Tyrone and Fernanagh p.289 pl 3 fig 4a

Reed 1952 Proc Roy Irish Acad 55 B No 3 p.120

Salter, 1853, Mon. Geol. Surv. Dec VII p.11 pl 2

Salter, 1864 Mon Pal Soc p.71 pl 5 fig 7

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