GB3D Type Fossils

Fossil specimen : BGS GSM47159 – Holotype

Taxonomic Group

Kingdom Animalia

  Phylum Mollusca

    Class Cephalopoda

      Order Ammonitida

Fossil Name Morphoceras (Polysphinctites) replicatum (Buckman, S.S.)
Type Status Holotype
Name History

Morphoceras (Polysphinctites) replicatum (Buckman, S.S.) – See Buckman, S.S (1922): Holotype

Registration No. GSM47159
Collector Buckman Collection. 1924
Donor or Associated Person Buckman, S.S. 1924
Held By British Geological Survey Logo British Geological Survey
Comments Inferior Oolite, Parkinsoni Zone, Zigzag Subzone. GSM 47159 is present with a plaster cast of the whole specimen. The cast was made before the specimen was cut in median transverse section at sedwick Museum, Cambridge in March 1953.
Country England
Locality Burton Bradstock - Dorset.
Grid Reference Not available
Rock Unit Inferior Oolite Group
Biozone zigzag
Geological Age

Bathonian Age (Jurassic Period) – Aalenian Age (Jurassic Period) (166.1 – 174.1 Ma B.P.)


Arkell. 1955. Bathonian Ammonites, Mon. Palaeont.Soc p.136-137 pl16.,figs 10a,b. fig, 50

Buckman, S.S. 1922. Type Ammonites pl359

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