GB3D Type Fossils

Fossil specimen : BGS GSM26408 – Holotype

Taxonomic Group

Kingdom Animalia

  Phylum Mollusca

    Class Cephalopoda

      Order Ammonitida

Fossil Name Whitbyceras pingue (Simpson)
Type Status Holotype
Name History

Whitbyceras pingue (Simpson)

Registration No. GSM26408
Collector Name not available
Donor or Associated Person Clarkson,WB 1913
Held By British Geological Survey Logo British Geological Survey
Comments Upper Lias - Jet Rock falcifer zone, exaratum subzone. (Also contains 2 casts. Specimen exposed to Ammonia Gas and then doped with Ply vinyl acetate in Toluen 7.2.1955).
Country England
Locality Whitby - N Yorks.
Grid Reference Not available
Rock Unit Lias Group
Biozone taylori
Geological Age

Aalenian Age (Jurassic Period) – Rhaetian Age (Triassic Period) (170.3 – 209.5 Ma B.P.)


Arkell WJ et al 1957 Treatise Mollusca 4 p.258 fig289 - 10a,b

Buckman SS 1913 Yorks Type Ammonites Vol II plate LXXX

Howarth MK 1962 Palaeontology Vol 5 p.121

Simpson M 1855 Fossils of the Yorkshire Lias (as A pingue Simpson) p.100

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