GB3D Type Fossils

Fossil specimen : BGS GSM32031 – Holotype

Taxonomic Group

Kingdom Animalia

  Phylum Mollusca

    Class Cephalopoda

      Order Ammonitida

Fossil Name Pleuroceras spinatum buckmani (Moxon)
Type Status Holotype
Name History

Pleuroceras spinatum buckmani (Moxon)

Registration No. GSM32031
Collector [ex Buckman, J.]
Donor or Associated Person Buckman, SS 1923
Held By British Geological Survey Logo British Geological Survey
Comments Middle Lias - Marlstone Rock-bed (spinatum zone, hawskerense subzone). 1" 217.
Country England
Locality Alderton Hill - Winchcombe - Gloucester.
Grid Reference Not available
Rock Unit Lias Group
Biozone Not available
Geological Age

Aalenian Age (Jurassic Period) – Rhaetian Age (Triassic Period) (170.3 – 209.5 Ma B.P.)


Buckman SS 1889 Q J G S Vol 45 (as Pleuroceras hawskerense (Young & Bird)) p.653

Buckman SS 1921 Type Ammonites (as Paltopleuroceras buckmanii (Moxon)) plate CXCIX B

Howarth MK 1958 British Amaltheidae p.39-41

Moxon C 1841 Illustrations of Characteristic fossils of British Strata (as Am buckmanii Moxon) plXXIV.,fig5

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