GB3D Type Fossils

Fossil specimen : BGS GSM12833 – Lectotype

Taxonomic Group

Kingdom Animalia

  Phylum Arthropoda

    Class Trilobita

      Order Asaphida

Fossil Name Opsimasaphus radiatus (Salter)
Type Status Lectotype
Name History

Opsimasaphus radiatus (Salter)

Registration No. GSM12833
Collector n/k
Donor or Associated Person Name not available
Held By British Geological Survey Logo British Geological Survey
Country Wales
Locality Hendre-wen, Cerrig y Druidion,Denbighshire
Grid Reference Not available
Rock Unit Ashgill Formation
Biozone Not available
Geological Age

Hirnantian Age (Ordovician Period) – Rawtheyan Stage (Ordovician Period) (443.8 – 447 Ma B.P.)


HB.Whittington,1965 Pal. Soc. Mon. "Ord. Tril. Bala" pt.III pl. XXIV,fig. 9-10

Ingham Pal. Soc. Mon. 1970 pg. 18

J. C. Harper, 1952, Sc. Proc. Roy. Dublin Soc. vol. 26(NS) no. 4 pg. 109

Probably 12833 and possibly 12834 used by Salter to ilustrate Mem. Geol. Surv. vol. III(1866)Salter 1866, Mon. Brit. Trilobites etc. Palaeont. Soc pl. 23,fig. 7

Salter 1866, Mon. Brit. Trilobites etc. Palaeont. Soc pl.XVIII,fig. 3

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