GB3D Type Fossils

Fossil specimen : SM X 50197 a – Holotype

Taxonomic Group

Kingdom Animalia

  Phylum Mollusca

    Class Cephalopoda

      Order Ammonitida

Fossil Name Erycites exulatus Callomon & Chandler, 1994
Type Status Holotype
Name History

Erycites exulatus Callomon & Chandler, 1994: Holotype

Registration No. X 50197 a
Collector Name not available
Donor or Associated Person Chandler, Robert B.
Held By Sedgwick Museum of Earth Sciences Logo Sedgwick Museum of Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge
Country England
Locality Manor Farm, Burton Bradstock, Dorset, England
Grid Reference Not available
Rock Unit Faunal Horizon Aa-3a (Callomon & Chandler, 1994)
Biozone Leioceras comptum
Geological Age

Bathonian Age (Jurassic Period) – Aalenian Age (Jurassic Period) (166.1 – 174.1 Ma B.P.)


Callomon, J.H. & Chandler, R.B. 1994. Some early Middle Jurassic ammonites of Tethyan affinities from the Aalenian of southern England. Palaeoelagos Special Publications 1, 1994, Roma. Proceedings of the 3rd Pergola International Symposium, pp.17-40. pl.2, fig.2a-b, p.34

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