GB3D Type Fossils

Fossil specimen : OUM K.22725 – Paratype

Taxonomic Group

Kingdom Animalia

  Phylum Mollusca

    Class Cephalopoda

      Order Ammonitida

Fossil Name Calycoceras (Proeucalycoceras) picteti Wright & Kennedy, 1990
Type Status Paratype
Name History

Calycoceras (Proeucalycoceras) picteti Wright & Kennedy, 1990 – See Wright & Kennedy (1990): Paratype

?Calycoceras ?cenomanense (Pictet, 1863) – See Kennedy (1970)

Registration No. K.22725
Collector Kennedy, W.J.
Donor or Associated Person Kennedy, W.J. 1978
Held By Oxford University Museum of Natural History Logo Oxford University Museum of Natural History
Country England
Locality Askerswell, Dorset
Grid Reference Available from host institution
Rock Unit Chalk Group, Phosphatic remaniƩ fauna (Chalk Basement Bed)
Biozone Calycoceras guerangeri
Geological Age

Cenomanian Age (Cretaceous Period) (93.9 – 100.5 Ma B.P.)


KENNEDY, W.J. 1970. The correlation of the Uppermost Albian and the Cenomanian of south-west England. Proc. geol. Ass., 81 (4), 613-677, 20 text-figs. p. 644

WRIGHT, C.W. and KENNEDY, W.J. 1990. The Ammonoidea of the Lower Chalk. Part 3. Palaeontogr. Soc. (Monogr.), 144 (585), 219-294, pls 56-58. pp. 264 - 265, 276; pl. 68, figs 1 a - c

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