GB3D Type Fossils

Fossil specimen : NMW 26.135.G387.1 – Paratype

Taxonomic Group

Kingdom Animalia

  Phylum Brachiopoda

    Class Rhynchonellata

      Order Rhynchonellida

Fossil Name Quadratirhynchia crassimedia depressa Ager, 1956
Type Status Paratype
Name History

Quadratirhynchia crassimedia depressa Ager, 1956 – See Ager (1956): Paratype

Quadratirhynchia cf. crassimedia Buckman, 1918 – See Jackson (1926)

Registration No. 26.135.G387.1
Collector Name not available
Donor or Associated Person Jackson, J.F.
Held By Amgueddfa Cymru - National Museum Wales Logo Amgueddfa Cymru - National Museum of Wales
Country England
Locality Thorncombe Beacon, Eype Mouth, Bridport, Dorset
Grid Reference Available from host institution
Rock Unit Layer R, Beacon Limestone Formation
Biozone spinatum
Geological Age

Pliensbachian Age (Jurassic Period) (182.7 – 190.8 Ma B.P.)


Ager, D V. 1956. A monograph of the British Liassic Rhynchonellidae, Part 1. Monograph of the Palaeontographical Society. London, 1-50 p.17

Jackson, J F. 1926. The Junction-Bed of the Middle and Upper Lias on the Dorset coast. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, Vol. 82, 490-525 p.508

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